Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The real fun begins once the net hits the water.

Setting the net takes about 15-20 minutes (finding a good spot and setting the net down into the water) and then you've got about 60-90 minutes of "free time".

I spent most of my "free time" on the boat either cleaning, cooking, playing/"summer schooling" with Braeden, reading or sleeping. I tried to get as much sleep as I could (about 8 hours per day/night).

Playing Lego Ninjago with R&B

Shooting a shotgun for the first time. No holes in the boat, go me!

After the net sits for 60-90 minutes you reel it back in, and provided you've hit a good run of fish... you pick! "Picking the net" means you pull apart the net and pick out any fish that have entangled themselves. Ryan is lightning quick (20+ years of experience gives him an unfair advantage) but by the end of a few sets I had figured out how to be a help and no longer a hinderance. 

King salmon! 

B's "fishing suit" - he later purchased a water gun with his earnings, which he used to "clean the fish" on deck. Very helpful ;)

My strong Alaskan fisherboy *that's fish blood on his arm! He didn't cry or fuss about getting dirty. SO proud!

Me and the B

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