Sunday, November 20, 2011

All grown up

What do you want to do when you grow up?

All of us have been asked this before, right? I know I have, and now that I'm a parent, I like to ask my son B a few times a year.
I've always expected him to change his answer, but interestingly enough he always says the same thing;  "I want to be in the ARMY." This answer has not changed in a few years (he is 7.5).
Do you remember what your answer was as a kid?
This is what I can remember from when I was a kidlet. I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a singer, Ariel (the little mermaid), a secretary, and as I got older... a teacher, a speech therapist, even a forensic scientist.

It is interesting to me that some people (like B) seem to know right off the bat exactly what they want out of life... and then others (like me) seem to "roll with the punches" and change interests/adapt depending on where life takes them.

After having my son (at age 20) I went to UAS for almost 2 years, but full time work, full time school and full time single parenting was too much for this momma (yes, I am human after all) in the future I need to remember this and not burn myself out.
I put my education on hold and instead of going to school just to go, I opted for real work experience (in the special education field) for almost 5 years now.
Although I love my current job, and I am grateful for the experiences I've had in the school district, I am almost 27 (23 days until my bday!) and realize that I need to get back to school. I have been seriously considering going back to college so I can complete my education for about a year.

Here's the problem; no idea what I want to 'do when I grow up'.

I have toyed with a few options, but nothing has really kept my motivation for more than a few weeks at a time.

Well, last night I had an experience that sparked something deep within my being (I know this sounds totally cheesy, but I am totally serious). I know exactly what I want to go back to school for, and I have the motivation (and support!) to start the process tomorrow.

Details coming soon!

* Sorry for leavin' ya hangin', but after the weekend I had, this momma needs to power down.

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